Postpartum Support
New Mama Project - online support for the transition into motherhood with blog and resources - co-founded by Fiona Griffin and Taylor Davis
Postpartum Support International - website with lots of information and resources, and a 1-800 phone number to get information on support in your area
MedEdPPD - professional information re: postpartum mental health with videos and testimonies from mom’s who’ve lived through it.
Steps To Wellness - Jane Honikman is the founder of Postpartum Support International and has many resources on her website for the transition into motherhood.
Postpartum Dads - support for families and partners experiencing or supporting a mother through postpartum depression
Doula Match - find postpartum doulas in your area
Kellymom - evidence based breastfeeding information
Jack Newman - helpful information sheets and videos on breastfeeding
Deep Latch Technique - helpful video for latching
La Leche League International - mother to mother breastfeeding support in your area
Find a Lactation Consultant - find an IBCLC in your area
Aha Parenting - wonderful resource for developing a peaceful connection with your children
Mothering - natural parenting website
About Therapy
Good Therapy - resource for learning about therapy and finding therapists
New Mama Project - online support for the transition into motherhood with blog and resources - co-founded by Fiona Griffin and Taylor Davis
Postpartum Support International - website with lots of information and resources, and a 1-800 phone number to get information on support in your area
MedEdPPD - professional information re: postpartum mental health with videos and testimonies from mom’s who’ve lived through it.
Steps To Wellness - Jane Honikman is the founder of Postpartum Support International and has many resources on her website for the transition into motherhood.
Postpartum Dads - support for families and partners experiencing or supporting a mother through postpartum depression
Doula Match - find postpartum doulas in your area
Kellymom - evidence based breastfeeding information
Jack Newman - helpful information sheets and videos on breastfeeding
Deep Latch Technique - helpful video for latching
La Leche League International - mother to mother breastfeeding support in your area
Find a Lactation Consultant - find an IBCLC in your area
Aha Parenting - wonderful resource for developing a peaceful connection with your children
Mothering - natural parenting website
About Therapy
Good Therapy - resource for learning about therapy and finding therapists